Cat Sitting and Dog Walking on Monday 1/11/10

I missed the shot of Murphy and Madison looking right at each other.  It wouldve been pretty cute. Madison & Murphy - they were doing just fine this morning but I had to add more water to the feeder.  It was making noise when I came in.  They'd eaten all of the food that was in their bowls too (although there was still plenty of food in the feeder.)  I pet them both a lot and at one point Murphy just sprawled out on his side and stretched.  He looked pretty happy.

Maggie - Maggie enjoyed both of her walks today.  She got a little crazy on the morning walk and tried racing around (but she was pretty limited with her 6 foot leash :)  )

Brady & Ferguson - They both were really interested in eating everything today.  They tried for the mulch, digging stuff up in the grass (digging with their mouths not their paws) and anything that blew by in the wind.  They of course rolled around in the grass too.

Louis & Sunny - It was definitely warmer today and they both seem to enjoy being outside more.  They barked at the workers building the house too.  They showed them who was the boss!

Max - Max was snoozing on his side when I walked in.  He got up and we went outside so he could pee.

Cleo thinks something in my bag smells REALLY good!

Cleo - Cleo was excited to see me today.  She peed a couple of times and pooped outside.