I feel the need to go to Boston

because it has been a Boston Terrier weekend for me! Unfortunately it has been dark when I've been doing my visits with Sadie and Millie so I had to look for some pictures that I'd taken of them previously. Here are the cuties.Millie: Millie (3) Sadie: Sadie (3)

And here is Bella. Bella

Sparky: Sparky 3 When I got to Sparky's house this morning, the power was out. She didn't care. She ate her breakfast in the dark. I couldn't see her but I could certainly here her and I'm sure she didn't leave anything in the bowl!

Sandy and Murphy - Sandy wanted to go outside before eating her breakfast this morning but then she came back in to eat and then all of us went outside. I should've taken pictures yesterday afternoon when it was light outside but I didn't think about it then! :(