Summer Pet Safety

With it staying lighter later, it’s a great time of year to spend more time outside with your dog. Here are a few tips to keep your pet safe when the temperatures are hotter:

  1. Make certain your pet has access to fresh water

  2. Exercise earlier in the morning

  3. Watch your pet closely for signs of exhaustion and/or heat stroke

  4. Don’t leave your dog in the car alone unless you leave the car running with the a/c on

Unfortunately I was told a story by a former client who was out running with her dog several years ago one August, that her dog collapsed and died of heat stroke on the run. It can happen.

Remember this: Know that your dog will want to go with you. He won’t know that running in 90 degree humid weather could harm him. It’s up to you to keep him safe and know when enough is enough.

Even when out walking your dog, his paws can burn on the hot pavement. If you have to cross the hot pavement, try to find shade. If your dog is standing on the pavement and starts to lift up his feet, they’re burning.

I witnessed this a couple of years ago. I was at a stoplight and a man had stopped to talk with someone. His dog started lifting up his feet. I pulled over, got out of my car and told the man that his dog’s paws were getting too hot.

Yes, I’m THAT person! #dogsbestfriend

Enjoy the summer and keep your pet safe while doing so.